Loose Controls
Friday, November 28, 2008
I am a drummer for several years now, although I have been without a steady gig for some time now. I hope that time is coming to an end soon, but it'll be an all-new original combination.

In the mean time, I sought out some kick-ass drum solos off of youtube and here are a few:

1. Terry Bozzio came into music success with his wife Dale in the 80's band "Missing Persons". After that he worked with Frank Zappa. A complete resume at that point, although he was also in high demand on the drum clinic circuit. This video is a studio-produced drum exhibition he had for sale, and it covers some aspects of his highly volatile but bizarre style with amazing chops. He seems to pass over the drums paying respect to certain pieces of the drumset; the snare section is amazing. At one point he looks as if he's animated, his hands are so fast. Supreme control with an eclectic personality. Don't mind the big hair.


2. Will Kennedy is a drummer I heard for the first time at a Larry Carlton/Yellowjackets concert. I won free tickets and wasn't sure just who Larry Carlton was. Turns out, he was a guitarist for some of Steely Dan's recordings. The Yellowjackets are a four peice jazz outfit, and Mr. Kennedy was the new drummer for this long-running jazz/fusion band. Will is a fantastic player and he made me sizzle with jealousy: I loved jazz and cherished the moments I got to play with great musicians, but he was suddenly on a world-stage and he deserved it. Along with Omar Hakim, Will influenced me into polyrythmic passages. This is a brief song with the band, Jimmy Haslip on Bass and Russ Ferrante on Piano. 2:03


3. Billy Cobham is an excellent jazz drummer known for fantastic chops and his participation in groundbreaking projects such as Mahavishnu Orchestra, Miles Davis and many others. His latin-based jazz drumming was thick with funk, groove and gyration. It made you move. This is a short song with the incomparable Herbie Hancock on piano and bassist Ron Carter which ends with Cobham soloing. I also saw him at a drum clinic here in Houston in the 90's. 1:49


4. The best of the solos by far is this nugget from an unknown I believe in England. Unbelievable. This one will blow any of the drummers you know away. It's a bit long with a geeky co-musician he interacts with. 6:24


Favorite Quote: "I dont' want to work, I just want to bang on the drum allday"- Todd Rundgren

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