Loose Controls
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Cuellar Barb may haunt him in the end

Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar, (pictured) traded acidic comments on-air with a local sheriff in the Laredo district Cuellar represents.

Webb county sheriff Rick Flores confronted Cuellar on a national radio show about the lack of funding local municipalities have recieved in recent years, and Cuellar didn't like it.

When asked exactly how much money has been appropiated to local governments for border security issues, Congressman Cuellar reminded Flores of the pecking order.

"Look here, mister sheriff..", Cuellar began, and invited Sheriff Flores to "do his job, and I'll do mine". Not only a weak answer to the question, Cuellar's comment summed up the distain some of our representatives hold for the common folk, and the public servants we've elected.

Flores went on to explain, since the Congressman wouldn't, that zero money has been appropriated for expanding border costs, here and in other border communities.

Cuellar isn't particularly popular with any of the elected officials who take border security seriously. At a recent meeting with his constituent's elected officials, local radio host and political activist Ed Hinde reported on a bombshell disclosure at this meeting.

When asked pointedly again by Flores at this meeting, Cuellar explained that while US agencies aside from the Border Patrol have to wait for the money's legislation to creep through the beaurocracy to reach them, a 1.6 billion check was being written to the Mexican government for the purpose of upgrading their border efforts. Further, if the sherrif's here in the US need resources, they might, and I'm not kidding you, he really said this, you "might go to them and ask them to help you". Our representative from Washington suggested our Sherrif's go beg Mexican agencies for money.

Sheriff Flores was rightly outraged, and justified in walking out of the meeting...he wasn't alone.

Rick Flores, (pictured) is a popular young Sheriff who grew up in the area and is generally regarded as a good guy. This is further proof that he's on the right track: he isn't satisfied with the status quo, which is everything in politics! It may spell doom for his political future, but it means he's doing something right.

It all depends on your point of view. Are you trying to get re-elected? If so, I know you'll say anything to make that happen. All political promises are garbage. It takes people like Rick Flores, Ed Hinde and Glenn Beck to expose corruption in our government.

But it's very risky too.
Mexican Corruption spilling over border

Local television reporters are shying away from border security issues. Why?

Reprisals have risen recently. When reporters in the United States are afraid to report the truth, we will have a lack of reliable information very soon. It's as integral as trucks to drive the drugs across: controlling the media. Drug cartels are active in this way in Mexican cities and towns. It's well known and demonstrated that if you publicly oppose the drug trade, you're a target for assasination, kidnapping or worse. Now people over here on our side are worried for themselves and their families.

My gut instinct is these drug cartels are aided on our side by people in official capacity. Yes, kids, it's called corruption and it's alive and well in the good old U. S. of A.

We need strong people like Sheriff Flores to stand up to the established procedures.
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