Loose Controls
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Office Booby Trap

We worked in scanning, Griff and I, while Larry and Tom worked in the file vault. They were right across the hallway from each other, and we all handled these real estate files. They put them up on the racks, we emptied old racks and scanned them onto hardrive. Both our offices were inundated with boxes and boxes of files; all numbered, and arranged in order: we knew where every file was- if one was requested, our system could find that file in short order.

In our office, file boxes were stacked about five high and there were mini isles everywhere: about one box wide. Tom had a penchant for sneaking into our office by dropping to hands and knees and entering the room, then following these isles around our office- without us noticing because you couldn't see him- then popping up behind our desks, like POOF and he's standing there. Very unnerving. He was very proud of himself and constantly reminded us of how many times he'd had us dead to rights. But this was to be different.

We were constructing a booby trap to lay for him made from easily gotten ends: office instruments- rubber bands, a plastic spoon, a large paper clip- I stretched the rubber bands across an isle he was sure to use. It had been a few days and he hadn't made any across-enemy-lines missions lately so we knew he was due. While I worked at the trip wire, Griff watched out and if anyone entered the office he warned me and I'd just stand up and brush my pants off or something and walk away- only to return and assemble the booby trap later. It was a simple device: through a poked hole in the side of a lower box, I ran the rubberbands around a dry ink pen then stretched it across the narrow isle to another box I'd poked a hole in, only this time there was a black clip holding onto a plastic spoon. Through a hole melted into the spoon, the trip wire was tied, but what was held in place by another wire was the sauce. Yes, walking into the wire would free the spoon from it's position, delicately held in the clip, but another wire fastened to the other end of the spoon ran to a metal ring through another box, then up to the top of the stack of boxes where it dove through the box and came out the other side. When the wire pulled taught, a small sign with the word "pow" sprang up in the face of the bent-over interloper. It was genius, and I set it up and tested it several times: the rubber bands were at the floor so they weren't highly visible- especially when a person is trying to sneak through and not be seen, then when the trap is sprung, a series of strings and springs sets loose a small sign with the word "pow" written a' La' Batman.

We went about our work as normal, the trap was set, the bait was cast, now for the predator to become the quarry. Our plan was to show him that he couldn't operate with complete immunity: there were consequenses for his actions.

Then in walked one of the company board members. This guy was huge and he never ever visited our office- yet here he was! The blood drained from our faces. Somewhere near the back of the room was a booby trap set in an isle of boxes much like the ones he began to stroll down. Before he got too close to the booby trap, harmless as it was, Griff jumped up and walked over and tripped it so our boss wouldn't be surprised by just how much free time we really had!

After he left, I set the trap again, unknown to Griff. He was stressed by the close call we'd had with the VP. But I was intent on bagging the biggest trophy: Bragging rights with a braggart!
It was only several hours later that Griff and I, deep into our work, had our attention drawn to a curious sound from the back of the room...the sound of a rubber band snapping and a plastic spoon clattering.

We both turned and stared at a surprised, stealthy visitor who'd been outed from his concealment!

I love it when a plan comes together!

Next time- Riding micro-crotch rockets upstairs in the vault! Thrilling!

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Yes we had an electric micro-bike and riding it through the long file-lined isles was fun.
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