Loose Controls
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Recent events on the world political stage point to a new arena for the United States to lead. As the largest, most powerful of the world's superpowers, The US's lead-off needs to be very thoughtful of these recent events.

North Korea
The situation took a turn for the better last week, as the press reported an agreement in principle between the US and N Korea. Of course, before this news came out, the current negotiations were the latest in a string of failed talks with N Korea for several reasons. Leaders from that country seemed intent on expecting an attack from the United States. Their position, appearently, was that the US was on the brink of an invasion of their country. Nothing could be further from the truth, according to the US leaders, but in this way negotiators for the North could stall for more time, again according to US negotiators, time spent without the watchful eye of International Atomic Energy Agency cameras. Once US officials publicly and forcefully stated that in no way was soverign N. Korean soil in jepoardy of US invasion, the sides agreed in principle to concessions. Now for the bad news: According to news reports from the region, N. Korea has stated that "The United States is dreaming if it thinks (N Korea) will give up it's nuclear program". This after agreeing to the very same thing. Looks like we're back at the drawing board, this time the N Koreans have less credibility. Funny how the rest of the nations in the six nation talks seem to take the US at their word...all but China.

India and Pakistan

Recent events have racheted up tensions between China and India, long standing territorial disputes still defy resolution. A cold war between the two nations continues with thinly veiled threats, accusations and empty promises. Through Pakistan, China is able to wear India's resources down. China is largely resposible for the nuclear ability of Pakistan, having sold goods and services Pakistan didn't possess to get their nuclear weapons program on-line, a fact demonstrated by underground tests in the 90's, in answer to India's tests. The United States is an expanding partner with India in this conflict. Large weapons purchases and foreign aid have enabled India to remain very able in their miltary capabilities. Lately, however, India has asserted impatience and annoyance with the US for recent military hardware sales to Pakistan including f-16 fighter-bombers. The United States then sold India the newest version of it's Patriot ballistic missle defense system. With China acting behind Pakistan and the US acting behind India, this arms race is picking up momentum.

Southeast Asia

Recent polls conducted by the MDAA, Missle Defense Advocacy Association in Europe show a large majority there favor ballistic missle defense systems and the funding they require. Last weeks approval by Taiwanese and Japanese parliaments assert the same thing: People everywhere note the need for ballistic missle defense systems, and they approve of the spending needed to buy them. All this while Six Nations Talks are ongoing about N. Korea's strategic nuclear ambitions. US Missle Defense Agency commander Henry "Trey" Obering has stated that the US's BMD capabilities need to come up to meet the current threat posed by China. New technology and hardware tests are emerging, including the successful test of a 27-story tall sea based x-band radar capable of tracking a softball sized object over San Francisco from Chesapeake Bay. It and experimental missle defense systems are being rushed into service, at times without any testing at all and placed in Alaska. Military base closings have also played a part in recent US MDA cutbacks, including moving the headquarters from Washington D.C. to Huntsville, Alabama. As reported by Government Computer News, "Despite these upheavals, top Army brass remain upbeat about the progress they are making with their Globally Integrated Missle Defense program."
Obering states that the US remains robust in it's tackling of BMD issues, and that "MDA (agency) has programs underway to take on ballistic missles in all 3 phases of flight: boost, mid-course and terminal". US MDA's main adversary in the theatre of BMD is still beaurocratic gridlock in this country, energy inaction and opposition groups lobbying Congress' appropriations ability.

Take it for what it's worth, The United States still leads the world in technology and weapons systems, but without the ability to research and develop these systems, lack of capability will lead to another round of blame-game when, not if, these holes in our capabilities are exploited.

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