Loose Controls
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
My friend Jerry Jordan passed away yesterday. He was in his mid-fourties and except for the stint that allowed his lukemia medicine to be directly injected into his bloodstream, he was a strong, tall strapping young man. Except he wasn't young, he was my age, and he was a framer, like me. He had a recent marriage and a young son he was raising and enjoying...no really reveling in the interactions between himself and his youngest son. He had two other kids, from his new wife Rosemarie's previous marriage.

When I met Jerry he and Aaron, his wife's son, worked on a job for me, but soon after I was working on Jerry's jobs. After a short time, it was clear Jerry was a special person. First of all, his stepson Aaron spoke reverently about him, how he taught him everything he knew and was the best framer and worker Aaron had ever known, though he hadn't been in construction that long, he had worked for other people enough to know that Jerry was head and shoulders above them. Jerry was a contractor who worked for himself for practically his whole life. He was easy to get along with and he had an amicable way of dealing with customers, bosses and crewmen who worked for him.

You will be sorely missed by all who knew you, Jerry, This one's for you.

I have to say that the music Heidii decided for us to listen to tonight fit so appropriately to my mental mood: Candlebox, and Santana. Much of the human experience is captured within the music of those two artists.
Thoughts from a racing mind...news, views and muse. Some pictures and life experiences in story form. -A continuation of my blog-"Racing Diary" which, sadly, will not allow me to post on it any longer. It is still at Racing Diary.blogger.com, 'sheck it out, main.

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Location: Katy, Texas, United States

Kart racer, rock drummer, dog owner and racing nutball.

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